Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Thought for the week..

I don't know about you, but for me, it is so easy to forget to just stop and enjoy life. I believe there are three main reasons this simple little statement can be so difficult to put into action: 
            + We work too hard
            + We expect more
            + We simply forget

It really is ironic that we work, work, work everyday so that we CAN enjoy life. But in reality, we work so hard that we don't even see all that there is to enjoy. 

This statement says, "enjoy the little things" one key word being little. This is difficult for me, I must admit. I like to read other blogs. I like to visit other Etsy stores to see other's success, and maybe learn a thing or two from them. I like to spend way too much time on Pinterest. I like to read my newsfeed on Facebook. I follow many friends and small businesses on Instagram. ALL THAT to say, I see the success of others everyday. I don't know how many times I've read that a friend of mine received a "random act of kindness" Their bill was paid by an anonymous person, a latte was sitting on their desk when they arrived to work, or they won an ipad or something. While I am truly happy for my friends, more times than not i think, "It must be easy for them to 'enjoy the little things'." 

The truth is, if I took the time to sit down and write about all the blessings I receive everyday, I would see so many things there are to enjoy. 

Today, I am going to take time today to enjoy the little things. You can too! wether it's your morning coffee, gas in your car, a few moments of quiet, whatever it may be. Know you are special to God. He thinks about you every second of everyday. He won't verbally tell you. All those little things are from Him. So enjoy it!         

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