Monday, March 25, 2013

Our Weekend...

Here is a look at our weekend... It was full of all kinds of excitement. 

Lexi and I went to Starbucks after work on Friday for some much needed sister time. We had so much fun laughing and catching up on each other's lives. {Lex, let's not wait that long to do this again...I miss you!}

 Not to mention, this beauty came in the mail for me Friday too! I was WAY too excited. My dream camera was now in my hands.. AHH! 

So, of course the rest of the weekend was full of taking photographs...

...of EVERYTHING! :) 

I met my wonderful parents for brunch on Saturday. {sorry, no pictures} We had so much to talk about that I forgot to take pictures. We did have a great time. Though I could write a whole blog {or even a book} about how great my parents are, that's not what THIS blog post is about. But I will say that God was so good in giving me the parents I have. They are the most genuine, kind, and beautiful people you will ever meet. Here is one of my favorite pictures of them...

Aren't they cute :) 

The rest of our Saturday consisted of driving all over Adrian- my least favorite city.. possibly in the whole world- but we had things to do. This made the trip worth it...

Iced Caramel Macchiato with an extra shot of Caramel :) 

Of course church on Sunday...

When we got home from church, we cleaned. And cleaned. And cleaned. For two whole hours. It was worth it though. I feel so much better when our house is clean. 

Then a nap was in order after all the cleaning. 

Just when you though we were done with Starbucks..we made another trip. 

I also had today off work. I was able to get so much done!

New Spring earrings at Be You. Follow this to my shop.

I made another attempt to teach myself to sew...Epic Fail yet again. One of these days You will be able to purchase a Be You. clutch. I will let you know when. Don't hold your breath though!  

I has this little cutie following me around all day :) 

I cut Cury's hair

Isn't he handsome? 

Played with the camera some more... 

Then we ended the night with our favorite movie, Les Miserables. I don't think I have ever been so inspired by a movie as much as this one. If you haven't watched it yet {or read the book} I HIGHLY recommend it! There are several stories throughout the movie, but the basic summary of the movie is, "To love another person is to see the face of God." 

I hope you had a lovely weekend as well :) 


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