Wednesday, March 20, 2013

My Love

Cury and me on our wedding night. 

        Today is just a regular day, it's not an anniversary of ours or anything. I just wanted to write about Cury. The photo above was taken at the hotel we stayed at on our wedding night. That was such an exciting time in our lives, and it only gets better each day with you. Remember we would just stare at each other then start laughing? It felt so surreal. I remember thinking, "Is this real? I must be dreaming."  Well, I would have been a lovely dream if it were, but it wasn't. It was the start of our new life together. Who better to do that with than your best friend? That night we just relaxed, talked about highlights from Our day, and ate all the snacks the darling, Lexi {my sister} packed my car full of. 
        Cury, I cannot believe we are coming up on eleven months as husband and wife! That can't be right, can it? It seems like just yesterday that we were on our Senior trip to Disney World. {when you made your first move on me ;)} I think we both knew then that it would last forever. This year has had it's wonderful ups and extreme downs. I don't think either of us were expecting things like that to happen. I know we both wish we could have gone without some of those extreme lows. But that's life and that's marriage. And the best part of it is that we have each other. Each low, each pain, and each heartache is an opportunity to love each other that much more. I know I can say that I love you more than I did in Disney World. I love you more than I did last May 4th. I love you more than I did on our honeymoon. And I love you more than I did yesterday. I love you, Cury. Thank you for being everything I want and need. 
        It has been the most amazing eleven months of my life!

Thank you! 

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