Friday, March 15, 2013


Hello friends!
I would like to introduce you to someone very important to me. This is Emanuel. He is 4 years old, and he is from Togo, West Africa. Isn't he precious? 

    A couple of Sundays ago, our pastor invited a woman to come share some information about this wonderful charity called, "Compassion." The lady showed a short video. There were many testimonials on there. One testimony that stood out to me was about this young lady who's parents sold her to a group of men {a group that has sex with these women, then sell them to another group for money} All I could think was, "how could a mother and father do that? " But the truth is, if her parents hadn't sold her, her parents, her four younger siblings, and the girl herself probably would have died from starvation. It's impossible for me to imagine being so desperate for food and basic necessities, that I would willingly sell one of my children just to survive. My heart broke for this young lady's story. I believe God has a special place in His heart for orphans, widows, and the poor. It's evident in His Word. If it's important to Him, then it should be important to me. The young lady was left for dead when someone found her. She became a sponsored teenager. She was able to go to school, then college, and now she lives and works in America. She is free because someone loved her. She even called her sponsor, Mom. What a special relationship they must have developed.  
    Emanuel is the child I sponsor through Compassion International. Compassion is a wonderful opportunity to "give- back" in such a unique, special, and personal way.  It is not my intention to "push" an organization on you. I know there are so many wonderful charities out there. 
I chose this charity because it is so personal. It's not just sending a check to a place and wondering if it's even getting to the recipient. You actually have the opportunity to write back and forth with your sponsored child. You can send photos and birthday gifts. You can even plan a trip to meet your sponsored child. It can be whatever you make it to be. 
    Plus it's only $38.00 a month. $38.00 in America is gone in an instant. It doesn't seem like much to us. But sending $38.00 to Emanuel will pay for him to go to school. It will cover his food expenses. It will provide clean water for him and his family. It will provide a future for him. It's such a blessing. My heart melts for this little guy. In Togo, West Africa, the children start working as young as 4 and 5 years old. Since the children are working hard to help provide food and housing for their families, they don't get the opportunity to receive an education. The $38.00 I send to Emanuel makes it possible for him to go to school. I encourage you to visit the website. {link above} There are many inspiring stories on there. {each video brings me to tears!} Even if you're not interested in sponsoring a child yourself, or if you can't afford it {I know times are tough} Maybe you could send some prayers their way. Many of these children are at high-risk for getting sicknesses and diseases. Some of them live in extremely dangerous areas of the world... areas where drugs and human trafficking are not illegal. Your prayers alone could save their life. 

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