Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Organic Living: Update

sorry it has been so long friends... 

I haven't "officially" announced it on here yet, but I am going through a work adjustment... and it hasn't been easy for me. 

The family I have worked for for the past 2 1/2 years is moving two hours away from where I live. Though I would love to pack up and move with them, I simply can't. And I can't add another hour+ onto my drive to work. I guess I have been avoiding talking about it on here. my heart feels broken. I have fallen in love with Madeleine and her parents. They treat me like family, and I feel as if we are family.  I will visit miss madeleine often. 2 hours isn't a horrible drive. but not being able to see her everyday is going to be rough. I am used to seeing her everyday, but occasionally, I will have a Friday off... come Sunday around 2ish, i look at Cury and say, "I miss Madeleine. I Can't wait to see her tomorrow."  

...more on that later... if I am able to talk about it... makes me sad... 

here is an update on our gluten-free/wheat-free life ... ... ...

+down 16lbs. 

+ready to move forward to the NO SUGAR phase! 
+consistently feeling the same. 

+we have discovered some delicious new products
+we have become full of knowledge on this topic >>again, all thanks to the generous women out there who's blogs I read. I thank God for you every time I read your blogs and learn from you<<  
+basically, we have been able to maintain all of the benefits that i have mentioned in previous posts. I think now that our bodies have adjusted to this new lifestyle, and it is in our systems... we won't be experiencing too many new changes.

...links to the blogs that have helped me...

>> Meghan Newsom

>> Lacy and Meg

>> Catherine

...product reviews by Cury and me...

 justin's "snickers"
okay, this product shocked me. i have tried many all-natural candy bars. some are good, but i aways think, "noting beats the original" well, this candy bar tasted just like a snickers bar except no high-fructos corn syrup, gluten, or any of the other "bad for you things" don't get me wrong.. I'm not saying this is healthy, but it is a much healthier option when you have a craving. our only problem with it was that poor Cury couldn't have it. He is allergic to tree nuts :/ 
You can find this at most health food stores for about $2.75

taste ***** cost **** convenience ****

 Amy's gluten-free cheese pizza
Cury and I have always been fans of Amy's pizzas, so we had to try this on last week. It was really good. I have only had one other gluten-free pizza in my life, it was made with "bob's all-natural flour" This one was obviously made with rice flour. We both agreed that it was tasty and fully capable of giving us that  pizza fix that we occasionally need. We added our own toppings 
-spinach, garlic, mushrooms, and gluten-free Applegate bacon- 
I seemed a little bland without the toppings, so I would suggest doing that if you try this product. 
The texture if the crust was a little different from what we are used to... a little "spongy"..if that makes sense :) 
You can find this product at Whole Foods for $10.00

taste *****  cost **  convenience ****   

Justin's Almond Butter
 I thought these were very tasty. My personal favorites were the chocolate and classic. (the also have maple) I tried these because they are gluten-free. I didn't buy a whole jar because I haven't been able to find gluten-free bread that I really like. I just bought these little packets to taste them. It's great on Apples! 
You can find Justin's almond butter at Whole foods and other health food stores for $10.00 a jar or $3.00 for one of these little packets.

Taste *****  Cost **  convenience ****

Applegate Gluten-Free Bacon
Cury and I love all the Applegate products we have tried. this is the bacon we added to our Amy's pizza. Cury has always been a fan of bacon. while I like it.. i can always do without it. we both thought this bacon was much better than any other bacon we have had. very tasty! plus hardly any fat!
You can find this brand in most grocery stores(yay!)for around the same price as other bacons. 

taste *****  cost*****  convenience *****

We have several other products at home waiting for us to try and review for you :) 

Thank you for reading! my life currently doesn't allow me to "get out much" so It's so great to meet new friends on here :) 


Monday, July 1, 2013

"Don't let your dreams be dreams"

hello, my dears :) 

Happy Monday to you! and I do hope it's a happy one. 

while I am always so inspired by other amazing blogs I read, I do not steal ideas or posts. I feel that each individual has a special story to tell, life to live, and blog to write. No matter how in love I fall with these beautiful people and their beautiful lives, I have my own beautiful life that God has so gracefully given to me. 

however, all that being said... I read a blog post from a while back written by Meghan Newsom. Link to blog here.I don't think I have ever seen God so vividly in someone's life than I have in hers. She's a beautifully talented lady with a heart full of love for others. 

She wrote a blog post this past May on dreaming. While I have tried to sum it all up in my own words to share it with you, I just can't. She said something that stood out to me and challenged me. I am just going to have to quote her... 

"I believe that God has put in our souls big dreams and big yearnings, and if the spirit is living within us, than those dreams are of Him. He knows what makes us come alive." 

These statements may not mean as much to you as they did to me. but let me share a little with you why they mean the world to me. 

I grew up in a strict, old fashioned, baptist church. I attended the school the church had, and was 100% involved in everything {so involved that I listened to them over my parents} "full-time Christian service was always preached... like, if you're not working in a church full time, you might as well not even go to church because you're obviously not "right with God" It was a lot of pressure to put on someone. I certainly wanted to be right with God, but I never felt that I was supposed to work in a church my whole life. I remember thinking, "why can't I serve people out in the world full time?" I was 16 and I wanted so badly to go to a culinary school after graduation. "why can't I help people while being a chef?" Well, I only asked that question once. The response I got was, "Go to Bible college and find out what GOD wants you to do instead of what you want to do." 
I was so frustrated thinking, "What if GOD wants me to do what I want to do? Why can't GOD want someone to do something other than work in a church?" but being the naive/good girl that I was, I went to Bible college for three semesters. 

NOTE: please don't get me wrong, friends. I admire people who work in church or live on the mission field. In fact, my husband and I work part time at our church right now. We are in charge of the children's ministry. We have many friends in full time church work, and if asked, they would say that what they're doing is their dream. I just don't know why it is the only full-time service that is preached...

From the ages of 12-20, I had always done what was preached there. Not just because I wanted everyone to be proud of me, but because I was told that any other way was wrong, and I didn't want to do wrong. So, any desire, dream, or yearning I had to do something, I shoved it away. I was told that it was the devil trying to distract me from GOD'S work. Crazy, right? As easy as it would be to get bitter over those 8 years, I have just tried to thank God for His grace. Everyone was trying to keep my eyes shut, but He opened them anyway. I feel as though I have been blind my whole life and God is giving me sight. I feel Him showing me what is right. I have never had such certainty {as I do now} in what I was created to do. 

I have these huge dreams burning in my heart. I would have normally asked God to take those dreams away and show me what I am "supposed" to do... it sounds so silly now- knowing full well that the dreams I have are of God! 
I had always felt as though I had been sitting around waiting on God to finally "show up" in my life. Now that I know the truth, I find myself getting on my knees thanking God for these dreams yet asking Him to slow down a little so I can keep up with Him. :) 

Meghan said it so perfectly, "and if the spirit is living within us, than those dreams are of Him."

I don't know where you are in your life, friend. But wherever you may be, don't stop dreaming. And don't let those dreams be dreams! Bring them to life. 

I would like to share some of my dreams with you... 

+become a photographer/be an artist/work from home(for myself) 
       *I'm kind of in the making of this dream.

+meet new friends through this blog

+help people. I want to give to others in all the areas God has blessed me abundantly in.

+write a children's book

+become a regular volunteer at U of M hospital

+work from home

+be debt free! 

+have children & adopt children- I want to teach them to live in God's grace and love. 

+donate my hair to locks of love 

+become a vegan

+travel the world... the U.S. and all of Europe 

+open a "wedding barn" with my sister, Lexi

**my dreams get bigger and bigger the farther I go... but I have to leave you with some suspense ;)*** 

Monday, June 24, 2013

Organic Living: Update

Hello, friends! 

I truly hope all is well with you. I hope you are enjoying your Summer with good health, love,  quality family time, shopping at your local Farmer's market, and many trips to the swimming pool. 

I wanted to give you an update on our new organic lifestyle. As of today, we have been on this adventure for three whole weeks. My original plan was to take this journey two weeks at a time..meaning, I wanted to cut wheat, then sugar, then caffeine, and so on. Well, when we arrived at our two week mark, we just were not ready to add on another huge change. So instead of being on a regimen, we are taking it as it comes. I really want this to stick, and I want to it be as easy as possible. 

So, how has it been so far? Well, honestly, it has been so great! After our first week being so easy and profitable, I was afraid it would only go down hill from there. But it really hasn't. And let me tell you, that has only been possible with God's help. I pray for strength and will power everyday. He has been right by me, helping me learn and teaching me new things everyday. I have been reading the Hallelujah Acres book. {here} I get so overwhelmed with the realization of all I desperately need to change. I have no other choice than to get on my knees and ask God for help. I ask Him to give my mind the ability to retain all I am learning. I ask Him to show me what I need to know need what I need to do in oder to be healthy and live my life to it's fullest. There is so much I want to do, and there is so much I feel God showing me to do. I want to have the energy and ability to keep up with Him. {more on that later} 

After 3 weeks wheat free: 

+11 lbs. down
+less irritable 
+better sleeping habits

+more energy
+less irritable
+MUCH better sleeping habits
+no more joint pain
+mild lingering cold-like symptoms {common in a drastic change in diet}
+better abilities to hold focus

Both of us: 
+we have much more respect for people with a gluten intolerance
+much larger grocery bill 
+new perspective on food and eating
+we are full of gratitude for the many resources out there...
           >Lacy and Meg
           >eat. live. make
           >rabbit food for my bunny teeth
                                         ...just to name a few 

I would love to hear of any resources you use.

 Happy Monday :) 

Monday, June 10, 2013


Hello everyone! 

This blogging journey has been so much fun for me. I haven't been quite sure what direction I would like to go with it. But after a lot of thought and a lot of changes in my life, I think I finally know! yay! I don't want to give away any surprises, so just trust me. It's going to be good. There will be DIYs, challenges, facts on organic living, book recommendations, must see places, talks about God, and much, much more. 

Which brings me to this... my husband, Cury, and I started a new journey in our lives- a new way of living. We are on the road to a Vegan lifestyle, and honestly, I couldn't be more excited. Cury on the other hand... not quite as much excitement. But He's determined to try, and I am so proud of him for that. 

I did NOT want to over-whelm ourselves with don't eat this or throw all of these away. I've decided to take it step by step. 

Challenge One: NO WHEAT 
Challenge Two: NO SUGAR
Challenge Three: NO CAFINE 
Challenge Four: NO DAIRY
Challenge Five: NO MEAT

We are currently in the NO WHEAT phase. Each phase will last {aprox. 3 weeks} Why three weeks? I really want to see the results of cutting out the wheat before adding on sugar. Cury wants to lose weight throughout this journey, and I don't want to not know what is helping most. I thought no wheat was going to be the easiest one. Let me tell you, it is a challenge for sure! Wheat is in just about everything... bread {obviously} pizza, pasta, cereal, pancakes, cake, scones, cookies {or any pastry} pretzels, crackers, granola bars, many dressings, muffins, bagels, any and all fast-food, the list goes on and on. Prior to starting this whole thing. I read the book, Wheat Belly,{link to purchase here} I highly recommend this read. I can't believe how much I learned. I read it because I wanted to be knowledgable of what we were about to get into. I really don't want to focus on what we are giving up. I want to focus on what we are gaining from all of this. 

So after the Wheat phase, we will add on the NO SUGAR phase and so on. At the end of this, we will be Vegans! I told my husband that I would like for him to stick with it strictly for the 3 weeks after NO MEAT, then he can decide what he will do from there. If he does decide to eat meat and a few of the other things... it will be in moderation. We will never {prayerfully} go back to how we ate before this. I am just so excited that I get to share this with you. If you have any tips, recipes, or anything else, please let me know! I could use the help :) 

After one week of NO WHEAT...

less groggy 
less stress
headache on Sunday 
migraine on Monday *maybe detox related*
more energy

less groggy
more energy
no stomach aches
not so tired
not so moody
sore throat started around 3pm on Monday :/ 

Please stay tuned.. I have so much to share with you, friend.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Current Favorites...

I have a few things I am currently obsessed with. Here they are...

The Lumineers I have mentioned this group before. I love every song in the album. 

Wondermade such a unique, tasty treat.

Trader Joe's Gluten Free Flour

Local Farmer's market... One of the best parts of Summer in my opinion. 

peonies!! My absolute Favorite flower :) If you have any tips on how to grow them, I'd love to hear it. I'm not having much luck with gardening. 

The New Girl: starring Zooey Deschanel. My current favorite Television Show. They just had their season finale, but they can be sure that we will be watching reruns all Summer. Great Show! 

Rifle Paper Co. Anna Bond has an incredible talent! I LOVE everything she creates. Check out her work HERE 

WHEAT BELLY is what I am currently reading. What an eye-opener! I highly recommend.

Fox & Brie such a great Etsy shop. I want to buy soon one of these ties or bow ties for Cury. 

I LOVE anthropology! I hope I can soon design some items for Etsy with some "anthropology-inspred pizazz" :) {stay tuned}
P.S. I think Ann Arbor is getting an Anthro! Can't wait!  

My next favorite read. I am waiting for it to come in the mail. I already know I am going to LOVE it. My Mom has been reading it and telling me all about it. I'll let you know what I think after I read it.  

What are some of your current Favorites? I would love to know :) 

P.S. SOme exciting new things are coming up this Summer. I don't want to give away too much, but I'll drop a hint... It has to do with new things concerning Etsy YAY!!

Have the best day! 

Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Chicago in Pictures

If you know us at all, then you know that Chicago has a sweet spot in our hearts. Cury and I attending college in Chicago and it's where he proposed to me. It's our little home away from home. Cury and I were just there to celebrate our first year anniversary. Here are some photos from the trip...

Millenium Park "The Bean"

The Art Institute of Chicago

 Cury doesn't appreciate art quite as much as I do..he was a trooper though :) 

Me getting after him... scary, right?

My very first time at Argo tea! I LOVED every drink I ordered. I HIGHLY recommend! 

This me attempting to pull off the "indie look" I hardly made it out the door before I had to put my hat back on. The pictures made Chicago look warm, but we certainly were NOT! 

Me and my sweet :) 

1 of the 10,000 Starbucks we went to...


**NOt pictured: Shopping- Anthropology, {for the first not last time} forever21, HnM, Zara..you know, all the good places :) 
Lunch- four times at the Corner Bakery. If you've never been there, go. Dinner- at the Grand Lux Cafe. You cannot go wrong with one thing on their menu.{prices are reasonable as well} 
Walking- about 20 miles in three days. Two train rides. 
lots of kisses, reminiscing, and laughter. 

This is the Wildfire restaurant. Cury and I hD to walk ten blocks to get there, but it was worth every windy step. This is a fancy steak house, and our new favorite restaurant. We were so tired from our long day of walking that we ordered to-go, hopped in a taxi, and ate our fancy steak with plasticware. It all was perfect. It was just what we needed after all the busy city life. 

Then we went out for a late night tea run :) 


Millenium Park one last time... 

The sun came out just in time to say good-bye to us. 

Happy anniversary, Love

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One year together..

So, I can hardly even believe it myself, but just this past Saturday, Cury and I celebrated one year together as husband and wife. Wow! It truly does seem like just yesterday that we were full of nerves about to change our lives forever. 
For those of you whom I have never met, but read this blog, or if we have met since I've been married, here are some photos from our wedding day... 


Dad and I had to sneak in a kiss before the ceremony :) 

  Love his face :) 

 I was able to keep my emotions together unless I was anywhere near my dad and mom. 

Bridesmaids: Beka and Leah-friends of mine since high school,  Lexi, sister/maid of Honor

US-surrounded by our supportive family and friends. 

That day is one of my sweetest memories. I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who get sentimental about everything. Even this past April, I was able to remember the exact dates of our Senior trip to Florida (FOUR years ago) I would randomly look over to Cury and say, "This was the day we went to magic Kingdom." He always responds with a, "really, Kendra?" So, if you can imagine how I was on our anniversary day. I had to tell Cury what I was doing at this hour one year ago every hour of the day. Poor guy! We did have fun reminiscing on some very happy memories. 

What did we do for our anniversary? We set up a Be You. booth at a Flea Market. How romantic, right? Well, we really did have a great time.  I will never stop being grateful that Cury and I can make the most out of any situation. Here are some photos...

 Here's our little booth we set up (at 8am) 

forced smiles at 8am
Setting up...

We met this sweet couple at the booth next to ours. They were Ayn and Tom. I hope to see them at the next Flea Market. 

Cury and I packed up our things at 4pm then headed to A2 {Ann Arbor} for Dinner. I don't know if it was smelling fair food all day or what, but we were both craving a burger. So, Five Guys it was :) You can never go wrong with Five Guys. 

Then we headed home..exhausted! Little did I know, there was a huge surprise waiting for me when I got there. Take a look...

As you can probably tell, I was pretty excited. I went from happy, to complete shock, to crying, to giggling like a little girl! I still can't believe it. All I could say was CURY!! HOW?! WHY?! all he said {when I finally calmed down} was, "Ken, I don't want anything to hold you back from the dreams you have. There is so much you want to do, and I want to show you that I believe with all my heart that you can achieve every single dream you have." How lucky am I? 

Cury, you will never know how much this gift and your word have meant to me. Because I will never be able to express those feelings properly. I am always talking about all the billion and one things I'd like to do or learn... half of the time I feel crazy, or I think you must think I am crazy. I don't think I have ever felt so much love and support in my life. Thank you for believing in me. i love you. happy, happy anniversary, my love. 

Our beautiful {much needed} new rug from my wonderful parents and sister. 
You guys are the best!! 
{PLEASE excuse our blurry photos, Cury was pretty excited and didn't keep a steady hand}

Cury and I will be heading to our beloved Chicago Wednesday night to finish celebrating our one year. I won't blog until we get back {Monday} So please follow our trip on Instagram... I am, @kengle123

Have a lovely week!