Tuesday, May 7, 2013

One year together..

So, I can hardly even believe it myself, but just this past Saturday, Cury and I celebrated one year together as husband and wife. Wow! It truly does seem like just yesterday that we were full of nerves about to change our lives forever. 
For those of you whom I have never met, but read this blog, or if we have met since I've been married, here are some photos from our wedding day... 


Dad and I had to sneak in a kiss before the ceremony :) 

  Love his face :) 

 I was able to keep my emotions together unless I was anywhere near my dad and mom. 

Bridesmaids: Beka and Leah-friends of mine since high school,  Lexi, sister/maid of Honor

US-surrounded by our supportive family and friends. 

That day is one of my sweetest memories. I don't know about you, but I am one of those people who get sentimental about everything. Even this past April, I was able to remember the exact dates of our Senior trip to Florida (FOUR years ago) I would randomly look over to Cury and say, "This was the day we went to magic Kingdom." He always responds with a, "really, Kendra?" So, if you can imagine how I was on our anniversary day. I had to tell Cury what I was doing at this hour one year ago every hour of the day. Poor guy! We did have fun reminiscing on some very happy memories. 

What did we do for our anniversary? We set up a Be You. booth at a Flea Market. How romantic, right? Well, we really did have a great time.  I will never stop being grateful that Cury and I can make the most out of any situation. Here are some photos...

 Here's our little booth we set up (at 8am) 

forced smiles at 8am
Setting up...

We met this sweet couple at the booth next to ours. They were Ayn and Tom. I hope to see them at the next Flea Market. 

Cury and I packed up our things at 4pm then headed to A2 {Ann Arbor} for Dinner. I don't know if it was smelling fair food all day or what, but we were both craving a burger. So, Five Guys it was :) You can never go wrong with Five Guys. 

Then we headed home..exhausted! Little did I know, there was a huge surprise waiting for me when I got there. Take a look...

As you can probably tell, I was pretty excited. I went from happy, to complete shock, to crying, to giggling like a little girl! I still can't believe it. All I could say was CURY!! HOW?! WHY?! all he said {when I finally calmed down} was, "Ken, I don't want anything to hold you back from the dreams you have. There is so much you want to do, and I want to show you that I believe with all my heart that you can achieve every single dream you have." How lucky am I? 

Cury, you will never know how much this gift and your word have meant to me. Because I will never be able to express those feelings properly. I am always talking about all the billion and one things I'd like to do or learn... half of the time I feel crazy, or I think you must think I am crazy. I don't think I have ever felt so much love and support in my life. Thank you for believing in me. i love you. happy, happy anniversary, my love. 

Our beautiful {much needed} new rug from my wonderful parents and sister. 
You guys are the best!! 
{PLEASE excuse our blurry photos, Cury was pretty excited and didn't keep a steady hand}

Cury and I will be heading to our beloved Chicago Wednesday night to finish celebrating our one year. I won't blog until we get back {Monday} So please follow our trip on Instagram... I am, @kengle123

Have a lovely week! 

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