Sunday, April 28, 2013


It's Sunday afternoon, and here I am just getting out of a hot bath, laying in bed with a sweet tea and cosmopolitan magazine beside me. This is the first moment I have been able to relax  this week. With work all week and the Tecumseh Art walk Friday night, I had no spare time whatsoever. {I missed blogging by the way} But each time I sat down to blog, my mind filled with 1000+ things that I should do to prepare for the Art Walk.  
Please note: I am NOT complaining by any means. I had an amazing time doing all that I did. {hence the title of this post} I am extremely grateful for the opportunity I had to be a part of the Art Walk. It was worth every bit of hard work put into it. Here are some pictures for those of you who were unable to attend...

My table. 

Could not have done any of this without my mom {and Lex-photographer} They helped with set up, and Mom gave me some awesome pointers before going into this. She's incredible. 

My sweet husband and me. He probably had equal the amount of work to do for this show. He made the beautiful jewelry display for me. He loaded up all of my things and started setting up for me before I could get there. Darling, you're wonderful. 

Here are some of my loyal "fans" and customers...

Aunt Vicki & Aunt Debbi

Brother-Zach & lovely sister-Ashley

Cousin-Josh & his beautiful wife, Jessy

The night was no doubt a success. I had the best time meeting new people and spending sweet time with my family. Plus, Be You. got her name out there. :)  Thank you, Jessy, for including Be You. in the Tecumseh Art walk. You're the best! 

Whenever life gets busy,  I am always afraid that I will forget gratitude. I never want to get "too busy" to be kind, show gratitude, and praise God for His goodness.  
Here is a little something I like to do in my journal...

love in numbers: 

Four: the amount of days I had the privilege to nanny Madeleine this week. 

ten: how many sweet teas I've drank this week. I love sweet tea.

180: dollars I made at the Art Walk.

one: trip to the Spotted Cow. 

sixty four: degrees on Saturday. Mr. Sun, it was lovely to see you again.

fifty-two: the new age of my Dad. Happy birthday, Dad! I love you. 

thousand+ : the amount of times I laughed, was kissed, and heard Madeleine ask, "why, Kiki?" 

Countless: The number of prayers and the gratitude I have for this life and the people in it. 

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