Thursday, April 4, 2013

Eleven months with you...


I know I recently wrote a blog post to you, but I love you so why not write another, right?
These past eleven months have been "Incredible, Darling" {said in a British voice of course}   Since marrying you, my whole life has changed. I moved out of my parents house. I moved in with a boy for the first time! {outside of Dad and Zach} We have gone on a few trips together. I opened an  Etsy shop. We have tried to figure out this whole wife role, husband role thing {maybe one day we will actually figure it out!} You started a new career. We became the youth leaders at our church. We have become more established in our faith. We have watched ALL seven seasons of Supernatural in one summer {talk about accomplishment} We have learned SO much about each other... you don't like tomatoes {no matter how many ways I make you try them} you can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I know when you're mad because you try to be overly happy. You love every night. You give the best back rubs. You smile the biggest when I surprise you. You have the ability to be best friends with someone you met two seconds ago. You always encourage me to dream big. I could go on and on... back to our lives changing... There really isn't one area that hasn't changed in my life since marrying you. While there are some things that were hard to adjust to {mostly not living with my family} I can honestly say it has been an amazing adventure. An adventure I wouldn't want to miss for the world. Even with its imperfections, tears, and heartache- it's ours, and it's beautiful.  

I love you, Cury!


My wedding gift to Cury was that I would get him a little something
 each month in our first year of marriage. 

This month's gift was kind of for both of us...

I ordered a panel of one of our wedding photos through Snapfish. 
I was so happy with how it turned out. After seeing Zach and Ashley's {my brother and Sister-in-law}
panel of their wedding photo,  I had to get one for us. 

I, of course, had to get one of Otis too. I just love this picture of him!
I'm sure I will have a whole wall of panels before long!

We then headed over to the new Spotted Cow in Tecumseh.

Cookies -n- cream for him.. Moose tracks for me!

Happy 11 Months, Love!

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